Blog Design and Fonts Personalization

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Once you have your blog up and running, meaning you got your domain name and hosting plan, you want to start writing posts. 

You definitely have to do it as readers will start visiting and there is nothing worst than to get a reader to come to an empty blog. 

After a while, sooner or later you will start twitching your blog design. As you will be seeing more other people’s blogs and get better ideas of what you want for yours. 

As a graphic designer myself I can’t stop talking about a power of fonts. Fonts define the style, the mood, the overall experience your visitors will have. Many WordPress themes offer tons of customization options and if not I suggest a plug in Easy Google Fonts from Titanium Themes .

If you registered for my book on How to create and build your blog or website knowing nothing about it you will get this and more information on how to customize your blog. 

I tried different ways of customization but the truth is one blog post or one blog page never will contain all fonts options. I mean we are talking about 6 types of heading, paragraph, link types and this is without mentioning what you can add in CSS. 

For now lets stick to basics, trust me, there are so many options for now that you don’t have to go into CSS. 

I see so many new bloggers looking into hiring somebody to fix the style sheets for them. and I try, I really try to make them see this is not necessary at all, so I hope you listen my advice and give a chance to my proven easy and fun technique. 

Step 1: 

Create a new blog post and save it as draft.

Go to your post editor, I use Elementor and find it the best of all, just give it a try and you will be surprised of it’s capabilities. 

If you are using Elementor  just drag text editor into a section area and create a following text: 


Paragraph: This is a text that will be used in your posts, it is a general font used all over your blog, I recomend it to be easy to read .

Header1:  this is a header your posts titles use this font.

Header2 :this can be a post sub-title.

Header3: so on, you can customize and see how this fonts perform and how they look.

Header4 : I highly suggest you put some text here this way you will be able to see different letters in the fonts.

Header5:  I am a very picky in regards to my fonts and sometimes a one single letter design can make me to reject the whole fonts option
Header6 : this will be a last option.. usually this font goes in smallest letters and it is used for disclorures and comments. 

Links : not much to explain here. Any text that you convert in a link will automatically use this style


Step 2

Check around your site where those fonts are used.

Step 3

Go to customization area of your theme with this post open and start playing around with fonts and styles. Think on how styles are used through your blog and how you want them to look. 

Please note that some of the styles are used withing widgets and will change also. If you still feel lost and that you dont know which area uses which font, try to make every style different color. use bright colors so you can clearly see which one is it. 

Once you finish, save your customization changes and invite people to enjoy your new blog!


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