Universal Studios CA

My first visit  Part 1

Yulia A.K.

Feel like a celebrity! from your very first step at the entrance to the Universal Studios.  Remember to get your vaccination card or a test.

walk the red carpet

Fun is Everywhere

be ready to meet your favorite characters at every corner. they just walk around. so ke your eyes open. 

lots of fun stuff

This was my very first visit ever so I just walked around without going on any ride.

It is all in details

I loved feeling a part of my favorite movies. don't forget to look up and observe little things around.

More fun

I cant wait for warmer days to jump to this waterpark and feel like a kid again.

I Here is another proof of careful attention to detail. this ride is so fun (yes, I could not resist and jumped on it)

So much Fun

there was no waiting line but if there was there is a lot of fun to go through all apartments and talk to all pets.

So Adorable

Arent they amazing? to see Buddy at his massage was ultimate thing. there are so many picture opportunities.

Stay tuned for Part 2