My first 6 months as a Blogger

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I probably mentioned before that this is not my first blog. I started several blogs before but they went nowhere. I actually started another one at the same time as this one and it was dead after 5 posts ( I really liked it but could not concentrate on 2 so different blogs because if you want to do it right you have to dedicate time to it). But this one is still alive.

I would say it is a passion or lack of it what keeps a blog alive. But this is not what we will be talking about.
My decision to start this blog came actually from several directions.

1. My husband and I decided to move to a different state, (not yet but we hope maybe in a year) and I needed to find an activity that can be done in any location and produce money.
2. I got many people asking me same questions advices and recommendations over and over.
3. I met several bloggers making a living from their blogs.So it all came together to one big idea! I will try to make a blog.

That same day I went online and I got my name and my hosting space reserved, as if you are planning to do it professionally you should start with investing in a good service.

I am lucky to have a background in Graphic design and web development and to set up a blog wasn’t that hard, however, WordPress can be challenging at the beginning. This is why I decided to write my book on how to build your blog or website knowing nothing about it. (it still need a good name but it is on its way) register here and be first to know when the book is ready for beta testers. (wanna be a beta tester? you will be notified when subscription begins)

So I started this blog. I even left my very first blog post on as it was exactly about my struggles with Word Press. While looking for some answers I joined several social  network groups and chats over facebook and pinned tons of Pinterest pins to learn and this is when all started to become more interesting and complicated


GET IT OUT NOW! I thought that I needed to have at least 10 posts up before I can share my blog with the world. While that might be true for some but you definitely want to share it even with one or 2 posts to your blogger’s groups as you might get some readers and fans there from the beginning and also get a feedback and fix whatever needs to be fixed from the beginning.


CONDITIONAL COLLABORATION What I found from blogging community is that while it is a competitive market, most bloggers collaborate and help each other all the time. As I say, “most” it the key word. There are still many that will appear to be helpful but once you ask for real help or advise you will not get an answer. There is no way to know how it will go so I say: ask your questions but don’t keep waiting for the response. You have google, use it!


TOO MANY LINKS At that moment my blog already had some posts up and I discovered a magical world of  affiliate links.  I applied to many networks and many brands within those networks. I got approved for almost all of them. While affiliate networking is a great opportunity to get paid through your blog there was that feeling that this is not exactly what I wanted to do. I got overwhelmed with so many promotions to post (every time brand is having a promo they will email you in advance so you can prepare your blog and post on time.) And all this came on time for Black Friday.. do I have to say more? I was getting email from every one of the brands every day…. now I am working really with only few.


INSTAGRAM When I first got my blog idea I was looking into other bloggers blogs, accounts, social media. Instagram is a huge part of influencers life. I realized Many brands will not even look into your blog or will not ask if you have one but they will pay attention to your Instagram account and how many followers you have there. I had pretty good following on Instagram already and wasn’t hard to polish my account a little and grow more. I can’t take all credits and it didnt happen in one day. You can read about it here.


LIES At the very beginning I was paying close attention to some Instagram accounts that are not worth mention at this moment. I got so confused and frustrated as I was seeing them posting new outfits every day, posting wonderful pictures wearing latest fashion trends. I could not afford to shop for 30+ different latest trend high end outfits. Besides it was going agains my principle of minimalistic happy life. But it seems that to be successful I needed to do that.

Girls were on fire they were posting gift guides every day, new outfits, shopping links and so great speed that I honestly felt so overwhelmed that I took a break from all blogging for a month. I was refusing to stress too much as the whole idea to work for yourself is to have no stress and enjoy what you are doing. I left all those posts here as a reminder…

One day I was looking at posts, doing my study and noticed that some of those ladies will order an outfit, take pictures and then return it, as sometimes you can even see a tag hanging. Some will go to the store and take their pictures there and I knew this is not what I want to do with my Instagram and my blog. The realization came with a discovery of other ways of monetizing. 

Next 6 month were of clarification and realization. Taking a break helped me to go back and remember that the whole thing about it is to have fun. That blog is same as our personality, the more unique we are the better we will do in life and more fun we will have. 

Remember that blog I mentioned at the beginning that I started at the same time as this one. it was about food, travel, local secrets of happy hour and brunches in South Beach. I decided to incorporate it here. this blog became more a lifestyle blog and I am liking every minute of it. 


1. be passionate about your topic
2. create quality and consistent content on all your social media
3. don’t have more social media accounts then you can handle 2-3 is fine 
4. don’t stop having fun
5. don’t be desperate for getting more money, it will come.
6. it is not quantity but the quality of your collaborations and brands.
7. choose your business model and stick to it. 
8. research and learn but don’t try to do it all. implement changes one by one and try them out, if something doesn’t make you happy, don’t go for it.

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My posts might contain affiliate links and any purchase made through such links may result in a small commission for me, at no extra cost for you. If you choose to purchase anything through my links, thank you for supporting me and my blog.
All restaurants, hotels, and other establishments may change their prices, promotions and conditions at any time without notice. I only post information that is available to me at the time of creating  post.  I am not employed by any of mentioned businesses  however a post can be a result of paid collaboration. I want to assure you I only mention services, products and experiences that I used and loved and recommend.
I am not a physician or dietitian and all my health advices are based on personal experiences. Please consult a health professional before starting any diet or exercising routine.
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