How to grow your Instagram fast and the Number One rule for Influencer success

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I was promoting my book last week and was asked a question: 

If you had to give only one advice, what would it be?

That gave me an idea for this post.  Because that one thing is a very important point and is the biggest secret that will take you to a win or to a fail.

But let me first tell you a little bit about me and how I came to write the book.

Little more than a year ago I decided to start a blog. It never occurred to me that just a year later I will be making living from it. How I did it? 

I used Instagram. Yes, everybody is looking into growing Instagram today because people are realizing how powerful is that marketing tool that is available to us for free.

The moment I realized the power of Instagram I had an EUREKA moment. The rest was just a plain and simple formula that I developed and followed myself. 

I can’t promise you magic numbers overnight and if someone does I would be very careful about, but I will teach you how to get that steady growth and how to get organic and engaged followers who will stay and connect and interact with you. 


Need a blog or a website? Get it now 

As in any business, on Instagram, It is very important to cater to your public. You have to understand who are your followers, what do they do, how old they are and what are their interests in life. 

That doesn’t have anything to do with your niche. Your niche is what you passionate about and if you blog about it, most probably, your followers will be similar to you. 

If you are passionate about cooking most probably they also will be. So preparing  content that will be relevant to your followers will keep them, and creating an attractive content will attract more.

It is not as hard as you think. Yes, It took me some time and some trial and errors to get to this formula But it is here now and I really want to share it with you. This is why I wrote ULTIMATE SUCCESS GUIDE TO INSTAGRAM because I truly believe that I can save you some time and help you to get your followers to higher numbers By teaching you my exact formula.

When I decided to become a blogger and influencer I received so many negative comments, I was told I am too old and that I should look to get a steady job in some marketing agency. I was told that influencers world is for young girls and nobody is interested in following me. I was told that those big influencers who make a living from Instagram and their blog have been doing it for years and years before they had those followers and no brand will pay attention to me. 

But I was determined and was ok with taking some years to work hard to get noticed by brands I knew that this is what I wanted to do. 

I did my first collaboration 3 months later and added several more to my portfolio later in the year. 

How did I do it? 

I treated it like a real job, like my own business. I spent several hundreds of dollars on different classes. Some of them where very valuable, some not as much.  I spent hours each day reading other blogs and learning. My several years of experience in online marketing helped me to take all that information as well as personal experiences and trials, process it and finally come up with that formula that I still use today to grow my account. 

I made many mistakes while working with some brands, I learned later about it and included it in “Ultimate Success Guide to Instagram” because I don’t want you to waist your time making the same mistakes I did. 

 I hear these questions on a daily basis: 

  • Is it better to have more followers or higher engagement?
  • Should I spend time daily removing ghosts account from my followers?
  • Should I keep my captions long or short?
  • How should I attract new followers?
  • Should I use more or fewer hashtags?
  • How can I understand my followers more?
  • How can I get noticed by brands?
  • Do you also have all these questions and can’t find an answer? 

Well, the good news is I have all answers in “Ultimate Success Guide to Instagram”  with explanations on why and how. The book was written to get you from the beginning and teach you all the little tricks that often are missed.

 I also included bonuses for business owners and for influencers, separately (but you get access to both if you want) because there is so much more into that besides just being on Instagram. 

But let’s get back to that secret that I promised you, the biggest secret to blogging or Instagram success and you probably already heard it,

it is: consistency

Consistency is the real key to success. You have to be consistent in posting, to be consistent with your content, to be consistent with your designs and to be consistent in value you offer to your followers. 

To be consistent in your collaborations and your engagement, to be consistent in a way you use your tools and be in a constant state of learning. 

I would say that is the basics to all beginnings. If you are on the same point where I was a year ago, wanting to get my financial independence and to get paid for using my Instagram, or maybe to get more clients for your business through Instagram, don’t wait!

I am offering my book at a discounted price for a limited time. 

If you decide that “Ultimate Success Guide to Instagram” is worth a try, read it more than once. Use it as a daily guide and once you get it all set, check it again 3 months later. I am sure you will get something new from it. 

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